For lovers of great poetry, the name Donald Hall is well known. For those familiar with the poetry of Donald Hall, we recognize the fondness Hall has for the particular place of Eagle pond. In Christmas at Eagle Pond, Hall offers all readers a treasure, in the form of a short story about an imagined childhood Christmas experience at Eagle Pond. In the midst of numerous delightful moments, there is an important reflection of a Christmas pageant and the place a Christmas party held in the life of the community. There are simple and elegant back and white illustrations throughout. The value and glory of transmission of folk culture through story telling is pushed to the front of the narrative more than once.
The story is set in the time of model A's and T's with some still using buggies and sleighs. Among the many worthy moments in the story, there is a beautiful moment and image of prayer. Additionally, the charm of a revised version of "Casey at Bat" is fitting in light of the teller of the tale. While I've never experienced it, I participated vicariously in the process of making popcorn (long before the instantness of the microwave) in a kettle, adding syrup with the intention of making popcorn balls for decoration and eating.
My favorite description and one that speaks of one joy of embodiment is when the narrator says, "I walked through their icy bedroom to mine, even icier, and stuffed my hot-water bottle under the sheets to warm my feet. Crawling beneath the covers I shivered a moment, but the quilts were thick, my feet almost too hot, and soon I fell asleep in my familiar goose feather bed at the house I loved most in the world." The prose of Hall is as smooth and flowing as his poetry with some lines singing like his poetry. This is a story to be enjoyed this Christmas season and will most certainly call to mind childhood Christmas memories..