There are those lovers of Great Books who would speak so well of the fine, beautiful and good letters, that they implicitly denounce common letters. I am not in that camp. I still remember my sweet, dear grandmother Lila, giving me money from her tips where she worked at a local restaurant, so I could buy the most recent edition of Spiderman, Thor, or Daredevil comics. For a number of years of my youth, that was all I read, but read hundreds of comic books, I did. If I were teenager today, I would hope that I had a family member who would encourage me to read the young adult fiction of novelist Andrew Klavan. Why? Beyond being true page turners, they are peopled with characters who are often driven by a keen and accurate moral purpose. Sam Hopkins, while flawed in his youthful misdirected desire to be accepted, has a turning point where not only does he do the right thing, he does lots of little things that are ri...